Mr Reagan
The CNN Town Hall was RIGGED, and I’m going to go through each question to prove that CNN was trying to subvert Donald Trump at every point in their so-called „Town Hall.“ But like the boss he is, Trump went in knowing it was a trap, and was totally prepared to do battle! And boy, oh boy, Kailin Collins didn’t know what hit her! (Nor did the CNN goons peddling all the fake news narratives!)
Forget about Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Tim Pool, Steven Crowder, and FOX News. The only trending news and analysis you need is from Mr. Reagan! Find out how CNN rigged their Town Hall against Donald Trump as Mr. Reagan exposes the deep state news network!
What do you think about the debate? Did Trump win? Did CNN embarrass themselves? Can the Orange Man be stopped? Let me know in the comments!